Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 6, 2014

Yadea electric vehicle X-Men, does not play is not cool

Let's take a common understanding of the cross-border movement of Yadea Cool Cars X-Men. He has an unassuming unruly name, he made ​​the breakthrough in the design of the electric car industry, he mind a challenge Feralheart all-terrain, he bears vibrant speed and passion, he is "Play It Cool family" hottest longing.

Yadea electric car X-Men "does not play is not cool."

Yadea X-Men 400 in amazing love Xi'an Marathon Relay

September 20 - September 22, Yadea electric car joint Shaanxi two sets of "Zhou sister help" held "Love Yadi" public service activities and the "run 400 miles on a single charge, Xi'an, Baoji easy to" charity relay race. The event was held simultaneously in Xi'an to Baoji all Yadea stores, along by the general public for the warm welcome and attention.

雅迪电动车X战警 " 不玩不酷 "





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